“Opa wohin fährst du?” A children’s book written by Sabrina Hinrichs, published by Klein und Groß Verlag, Fall 2023 


“Es war einmal ein Mond” A whimsical silent-book, published by Klein und Groß Verlag, Fall 2024 


Nanophant, a book for kids of 3-4 years old,  not published

Textbook in the Swedish language for grade 5 written by Tatiana Konopleva, published by Smio Press

Limited edition calender 2018, self-published

 Textbook about Crypto and Blockchain for advanced pupils (extra IT-course) written by Boris Posherstnik, published by Smio Presss

My sketchbook fot the “Sketchbook Hamburg” project, exhibition exemplar, 2021

to the project and participate